Site Terms of Use and Privacy Principles

With the development of technology day by day, as a result of the widespread use of the internet, the number of internet sites serving for different purposes has also increased. However, it is not possible to get secure services based on user rights from every site. Our site, where everything sought for information, sharing and news can be found, provides services in accordance with legal requirements and within the framework of confidentiality and security principles. Thanks to the service we provide in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy, we keep personal security at the highest levels.

On our site, professional services are provided in accordance with Google policies and legal rules for the unauthorized use and sharing of the articles whose copyrights and all responsibility belong to the authors. Within the scope of our service policy, we publish where and how the data published on our site is collected and the information about its authors, within the framework of legal requirements, in a way that the responsibility belongs to the authors. In the use of the site, the most important thing for both the site owner and the users is the service based on the terms of use and privacy policy. In order to ensure both its own and the user's safety, our site implements the warning-punishment system if the management is contacted for any unlawful behavior, although the source of all the information it publishes is clear. Every user who benefits from the services provided on our site is deemed to have accepted the changes to be made regarding the terms of use and privacy terms. While the right to change the data on our site is kept confidential, a system based on Google policies is applied to provide quality and secure service to users. After the unauthorized use of the data published on the site, the modification of the content and the implementation of the warning and remove system form the basis of the terms of use. Everyone who is a member of the site and adds data or makes use of the services is deemed to have accepted every application regarding the privacy and security policy. Our site serves to enable users to share according to their personal wishes in accordance with the law. Anyone who acts in accordance with legal requirements, can benefit from the services of the site unlimitedly. The criminal responsibility of every transaction made by the users on the site belongs to them. If we are contacted through our e-mail address in any unlawful sharing, we, as the management, apply sanctions such as warning and removal from the site, as a sanction for violation of our privacy policy.

Members and visitors of our site can use the shares in accordance with the privacy rules and terms of use in accordance with Google policies. Users' personal information is never shared with third parties in accordance with privacy principles. On our site, professional services are provided within the scope of Google policies, within their legal obligations, in order to provide quality service to users and to ensure that they use the site in a unique way. Anyone who logs in to the site can benefit from the services by accepting the specified obligations.